Tareck El Aissami


20.Mar.2013 / 03:44 pm / 2 Comentarios

The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory.

The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory. The cache directory is not write-able. Please check your file permissions in the ModernMediaTweetShortcode plugin directory.



20.Mar.2013 04:43 pm
Johan bueno (Aragua) dijo:

Q satisfacción .!sigamos trabajando por nuestro estado y nuestra patria .!viva tareck viva Chávez viva maduro .!hasta la victoria siempre VENCEREMO .!

1.Abr.2013 11:02 am
maria esperanza rodriguez (Aragua) dijo:

que bueno que hagan la fiesta del asfalto para que los escuálidos no sigan hablando, mi querido gobernador y el 14 arrasaremos los vamos a enterrar, no van a levantar cabeza mas nunca, viva Tareck, viva mi comandante supremo. viva Nicolas, nicolas nicolas viva el pueblo de Venezuela ¡HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE VENCEREMOS X MI COMANDANTE.’


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